Connection- Cinderella

Jane Eyre's life is similar to the modern Cinderella. Much like Janey Eyre, Cinderella grows up in a family with very loose relation to her. In Jane's case, she is raised by her aunt and lives with cousins. Cinderella lives with her step mother and step sisters. Both families have relation to the girls, but treat them poorly regardless. Both girls father figures die when they are growing up. Cinderella's actual father dies and Jane's uncle (who acted as a father figure) dies when Jane is very young. Cinderella and Jane are both orphans after the death of their parents. Cinderella leaves her family to immediately swept away by her prince, but Jane's story is somewhat more complicated. She does not get the advantage that Cinderella has of finding a Prince right away, but Jane does eventually find Mr. Rochester after years from the separation from her family.

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