Vocab- Resurgam

 "Her grave is in Brocklebridge churchyard: for fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; but now a grey marble tablet marks the spot, inscribed with her name, and the word 'resurgam'" (83).

After Helen Burns' death, the word "Resurgam" is inscribed on her tombstone. Helen Burns was a very religious person, so it is very fitting that the latin meaning of "I shall rise again" was placed on the tablet. The word was written on the tombstone to illustrate Helen's faith that she would one day rise to meet her maker in heaven.
Another example of the word resurgam is "After his defeat, Bill clung to the hope of resurgam." In this sentence, Bill is looking forward to resurgam as a rise again in power.


  1. Jane Eyre commissioned the stone! I have read the book loads of times and only just got that when I read the passage just now One of the most moving things I have ever read

  2. In theology refers to the Resurrection as described in the Book of Revelations when the trump shall sound and an Angel will plant one foot on Land and one on the Sea and time shall be no more and those who have slept will rise in Glory.

  3. Billd3: "and the TRUMP shall sound"; our current american president, Donald TRUMP.

  4. Billd3: "and the TRUMP shall sound"; our current american president, Donald TRUMP.

  5. Billd3: "and the TRUMP shall sound"; our current american president, Donald TRUMP.

  6. billd3 meant "trumpet" . "Trump" is an abbreviation for that...also, Lauren Marsh, you didn't need to send that 3 different times...we all know that Trump is President, anyway.
